Graphics Benchmarks

Roy Longbottom



Windows Drawing Benchmarks

Windows DirectDraw Benchmarks

Windows Direct3D Benchmark

Windows OpenGL Benchmarks

Windows Direct3D9 Benchmarks

Windows BMPSpeed Benchmarks

Windows and Linux JavaDraw Benchmarks

Linux OpenGL Benchmarks

Linux SDL_BMPSpeed Benchmarks


My first graphics benchmarks were written in the days of dial-up Internet access, to provide a range of performance measurements without the need to download large volumes of image data, starting with DOS in 1997 and progressing via Windows and Linux to present times, with added 64 bit varieties.

The benchmarks run a series of different tests, with few to particularly large demands, that can automatically use full screen operation, with different pixel dimensions, or different sized windows, at default settings. Most display on screen performance details whilst running and all save results in a text based log file.

Nine separate benchmarks cover Windows drawing, DirectDraw, Direct3D and Direct3D9, then OpenGL 3D and bitmap graphics for Windows and Linux. Direct3D9 can test multiple monitors and many have special options to use for stress testing.


My first graphics benchmarks were written in the days of dial-up Internet access, to provide a range of performance measurements without the need to download large volumes of image data. Other ones, with results provided below, were produced by a later compiler as 32 bit and 64 bit versions and run on a PC with a 1994 3.9 GHz Core i7 4820K CPU with a mid range GeForce GTX 650 graphics card, controlled by Windows 10.

The benchmarks run a series of different tests, with few to particularly large demands, that can automatically use full screen operation, with different pixel dimensions, or different sized windows, at default settings. Most display on screen performance details whilst running and all save results in a text based log file. All benchmarks, along with source codes, are include in, to run via Windows, or linux-graphics-benchmarks.tar.gz via Linux.

Windows Drawing Benchmarks - draws different shapes, copies blocks of image data, colours an area, and pokes pixels, with performance measured in Millions of Pixels Per Second and Frames Per Second.

Windows DirectDraw Benchmarks - uses DirectDraw functions to copy image data and to colour fill an area, with performance measured in Millions of Pixels Per Second and Frames Per Second.

Windows Direct3D Benchmark - uses Direct3D functions operating on wireframe, coloured and textured moving objects, with performance measured in Frames Per Second, replaced with Direct3D9 Benchmarks for 32 bit and 64 bit versions.

Windows OpenGL Benchmarks - Coloured and textured moving objects, again, and a complex wireframe and textured real simulation of a kitchen, with performance measured in Frames Per Second.

Windows Direct3D9 Benchmarks - with similar wireframe, coloured and textured objects plus use of Pixel and Vertex Shaders, with performance measured in Frames Per Second.

Windows BMPSpeed Benchmarks - This is system test, with graphics activity, comprising writing and reading small to enlarged images, scrolling and rotating them, with time in seconds and milliseconds plus MB/second for scrolling.

JavaDraw Benchmark - for running via Windows, Lixux and Andrioid, starting with a simple scene with added complexity for subsequent tests, with performance measured in Frames Per Second. There is also an on-line version of this benchmark, executed via a downloaded HTML document.

Linux OpenGL Benchmarks - This is a similar to, but enhanced, version of the Windows OpenGL program. Approval was given to Canonical to include this benchmark in the testing framework for the Unity desktop.

Linux SDL BMPSpeed Benchmarks - carrying out the same functional tests as Windows BMPSpeed, but written using Simple DirectMedia Layer functions.

Stress Testing - The benchmarks have run time parameters to include a number of the benchmarks in a stress testing exercise, including which section to run and running time. See burnin64.htm, burnin4cpu.htm and linux burn-in apps.htm.

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Windows Drawing Benchmarks - VideoWin.exe, VideoWin32.exe, VideoWin64.exe

The forerunner of VideoWin was VideoDOS.exe, produced in December 1997. This has parameters to run at resolutions between 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768, at 16 or 256 colours, with six tests measuring performance in millions of pixels per second. An example of results is provided below. The benchmark is available in For anyone wanting to compare performance of older systems, this includes VideoRes.txt, with lots of results for 80386 to Pentium III.

VideoWin Benchmark again measures graphics speeds in terms of millions of pixels per second but for six Windows drawing and screen copying functions. The latest version has two additional tests, drawing 10000 random length/direction lines and 1000 ellipses as a 3D like object. Speed for these is measured in frames per second. The 8 tests are: Results for all Windows graphics benchmarks are included in videowin results.htm, with samples below for 80486 and Core i7 based PCs.

1 - BitBlt copy from system memory
2 - Drawing small Ellipses
3 - Recangle Fill
4 - Setpixel
5 - Drawing short lines
6 - BitBlt copy screen to screen
7 - Drawing 10000 Lines full screen
8 - Drawing 1000 Ellipses full screen

The front end VideoWin driver has tick boxes to select all available pixel sizes at 8, 16, 24 and 32 bits per pixel, with default 640 x 480 to 1024 x 768, using monitor properties settings to run in full screen mode, and whatever bits per pixel settings are available. The back end is OneWin.exe, that can be run separately to use current video settings. VideoWin64 and VideoWin32 only execute the OneWin test procedures. These were produced via later compilers to use 64 bit and 32 bit systems. The benchmarks, along with source codes, are included in

Windows vs DOS - From the results below, except for Ellipse tests, the equivalent Windows speeds are shown to be much faster, particularly those involved in BitBlt bit-block transfer compared with Get/Put.

VideoWin - Most of the tests, measuring millions of pixels per second, seem rather strange, with increasing performance as the resolution increases. This is because the full screen is used, not a window sized in pixels. On older PCs, performance could be similar with increasing resolution selection. However, converting the speeds to frames per second, as in DirectDraw Benchmarks a more constant speed is indicated.

OneWin and VideoWin32 and 64 - All results are effectively the same for all tests.


VideoDOS.EXE 256 COLOURS Genoa 8000 Graphics

                       Put   Ell-   Rect    Set   Draw   Get/
      CPU            image   ipse   fill  pixel   line    Put
CPU   MHz    Size     MP/S   MP/S   MP/S   MP/S   MP/S   MP/S

80386  40  1024x768   1.08   0.31   1.37  0.003   0.20   0.63
80486  66  1024x768   2.11   0.51   2.42  0.004   0.29   0.96


VideoWin.exe S3 VLB Graphics  

                      BitB   Ell-   Rect    Set   Draw   BitB  10000   1000
    CPU Colours        Mem   ipse   fill  pixel   line   Scrn  Lines Ellips
CPU MHz       Size    MP/S   MP/S   MP/S   MP/S   MP/S   MP/S    FPS    FPS

486  66  256 1024x768   10   0.08     24  0.014   0.95     25
486  66  16K 1024x768    6   0.07     13  0.014   0.98     11   1.36   0.19


VideoWin.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics 

               .......... Millions of Pixels Per Second ........... ..Frames/Second..
  Resolution   BitBlt1  Ellipse Rectfill SetPixel DrawLine  BitBlt2 Lines10K Ellips1K

  640  480 32   271.87   10.638   911.28    0.208    15.08   722.97    12.79    23.35
  800  600 32   495.23   19.013  1700.77    0.212    18.04  1269.47    10.47    15.56
 1024  768 32   650.48   26.531  3208.98    0.218    24.59  2295.25    10.49    11.29
 1280 1024 32   780.73   43.456  5667.61    0.219    38.27  4072.32     9.54     7.10
 1600 1200 32   922.85   55.515  7507.16    0.219    48.26  5908.29     8.43     4.59


 Various at Resolution 1920 x 1080 32 bits, Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics
               .......... Millions of Pixels Per Second ........... ..Frames/Second..
 Benchmark     BitBlt1  Ellipse Rectfill SetPixel DrawLine  BitBlt2 Lines10K Ellips1K

 OneWin         976.96   45.398  7444.36    0.215    56.45  6085.82     6.81     4.75
 VideoWin32    1001.75   43.818  7445.86    0.208    56.67  6137.75     8.09     4.72
 VideoWin64    1004.93   45.135  7348.10    0.224    57.23  6251.74     8.17     4.66

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DirectDraw Benchmarks - VideoDD.exe, VideoDD32.exe, VideoDD64.exe

VideoDD Benchmark measures graphics speeds via DirectDraw functions, in terms of millions of pixels per second (MP/S) and frames per second (FPS) using various drawing functions at all available monitor size and colour settings, in full screen mode. The tests are:

1 - DirectDraw BltFast from an off screen surface in video RAM to the screen primary surface - MP/S and FPS.

2 - DirectDraw Blt (with stretch) from an off screen surface in video RAM to the screen primary surface - MP/S.

3 - DirectDraw Blt with COLORFILL to the screen primary surface - MP/S.

4 - As Test 3 but using DirectDraw WaitForVerticalBlank (VSYNCH) to clamp the speed to the screen refresh Hz - MP/S and FPS. The latter identifies the refresh frequency.

5 - DirectDraw BltFast from a large surface in main RAM to the screen primary surface - MP/S and FPS.

DirectDraw.exe has the same front end as VideoWin, to select monitor setting that are changed under monitor properties to run in full screen mode. Similarly, the back end, and later 32 bit and 64 bit compilations, carry out tests at the current settings. Results from 2002 to 2014 are available in directdraw results.htm and below are measurement from a 66 MHz 80486, to demonstrate performance improvements over the years. Further comparisons are included in directdraw results.htm. VSYNCH speeds were not included in that report. The benchmarks, along with source codes, are included in

As for VideoWin, speed in millions of pixels per second can increase at higher monitor settings, but frames per second, reflecting user observed performance, can be considerably reduced.

Of late, BltFast from an off screen surface in video RAM measurements have been indicated as particularly slow using GeForce graphics cards, when it expected to be faster than BltFast from RAM. Results for a PC with an AMD CPU and a Radeon graphics card are provided to show expected performance.

The other anomaly is that VSYNCH inconsistent speeds can be indicated, when they should be no higher than 60 FPS.

VideoDD.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics 

              Millions of Pixels Per Second ......... Frames Per Second .....
  Resolution  bltfast blt_and bltfill bltrect bltfast  vsynch bltfast bltfast
              vid_ram stretch rectngl +vsynch cpu_ram refresh vid_ram cpu_ram

  640  480 32    41.4   936.3   371.6    34.1  1027.9   118.5   144.2  3569.0
  800  600 32    42.6  1372.3   604.5    27.5  1086.3    60.3   108.4  2382.3
 1024  768 32    34.1  1709.0   866.3    45.3  1141.5    60.0    47.2  1510.5
 1280 1024 32    34.1  2409.9  1625.2    76.4  1150.1    60.0    27.8   904.0
 1600 1200 32    41.7  2740.2  2211.1   112.3  1145.0    60.0    23.5   611.6
 80486 S3 VLB
  640  480 16    11       3      26               4              37      12


 Various at Resolution 1920 x 1080 32 bits, Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics

 Benchmark    Millions of Pixels Per Second ......... Frames Per Second .....
              bltfast blt_and bltfill bltrect bltfast  vsynch bltfast bltfast
              vid_ram stretch rectngl +vsynch cpu_ram refresh vid_ram cpu_ram

 OneDD           41.3  2556.7  2355.1   121.0  1141.3    60.0    21.0   566.1
 VideoDD32       41.8  2555.0  2368.4   121.0  1136.1    60.0    21.2   563.5
 VideoDD64       35.6  2513.0  2357.5   121.0  1136.4    60.0    18.1   563.7
 AMD 64 Radeon  614.6  3828.5  3793.7    76.4   281.5    60.0   500.1   221.2

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Direct3D Benchmark - VideoD3D.exe

VideoD3D Benchmark measures graphics speed in terms of Frames Per Second (FPS) via eight simple and more complex tests used in two earlier D3D benchmarks. The program uses Direct3D Retained Mode. The last four tests represent moving up and down a tunnel with various independent moving objects. The third test provides FPS that represents screen refresh Hz (half or less if the system is very slow). The tests are:

1 - Rotating egg gouraud shading solid - 736 Triangles/Frame
2 - Rotating egg gouraud shading wireframe - 736 Triangles/Frame
3 - Rotating egg gouraud shading wireframe WaitForVerticalBlank
4 - 500 cubes within cubes, gouraud shading wireframe - 6688 Triangles/Frame
5 - Tunnel, plain colours
6 - Tunnel, textured with wrap
7 - Tunnel, textured with wrap and shadow
8 - Tunnel, more changing textures - around 2200 Triangles/Frame

Again this benchmark uses the same procedures as VideoWin, with a front end to set monitor pixel size, in full screen mode, and a back end (OneD3D.exe) that can be run separately, using existing monitor settings. Details and results of many systems are included in direct3d results.htm. Example recent results are shown below, including that at 1920 x 1080 via OneD3D.exe. Note that VSYNCH does not appear to work here. The benchmarks, along with source codes, are included in

Recent systems execute D3D programs via Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), for graphics hardware acceleration. This is generally only available at 16 and 32 bits and requires at least three times the video RAM space that is used by Windows. This was not available on earlier systems, where the slower Ramp software emulation had to be used. Examples of these are shown below, to show how performance was increased by HAL and the difference from later PCs.

The benchmark could not be compiled for 64 bits as support for D3DRM was no longer provided. VideoD3D9_64 and VideoD3D9_32, 64 and 32 bit varieties, have been produced using DirectX 9 functions, where some of the tests can be regarded as the same as in the original version. See below. .

VideoD3D.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics 

                    ...................... Frames Per Second ......................
 Emul Resolution    gouraud gouraud gouraud   cubes   plain texture  wrap &   multi
                      solid wirefrm  vsynch wirefrm  colors    wrap  shadow texture

 HAL   640  480 32   4306.2  4594.2   408.2    46.4   616.4   510.4   375.6   362.4
 HAL   800  600 32   3647.0  3725.4   178.8    38.0   393.4   383.0   284.0   271.2
 HAL  1024  768 32   3695.2  3702.8   237.8    45.8   375.0   313.8   272.0   268.6
 HAL  1280 1024 32   3834.2  3841.6   175.6    35.8   273.8   264.6   240.0   231.6
 HAL  1600 1200 32   4518.6  4456.6   179.0    48.4   278.6   271.4   239.0   241.4
 HAL  1920 1080 32   4486.6  4477.6   179.8    46.4   266.4   259.2   200.8   200.2
 80486 S3 VLB
 Ramp  800  600 16      6       5       7       0.5     0.9     0.8     0.7     0.7
 Pentium MMX Matrox Mystique 
 Ramp 1024  768 16     35       22       35     1       4       4       3       3
 MMX   800  600 16    142      115       75     7      20      15      11      11

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OpenGL Benchmarks - VideoGL1.exe, OpenGL32.exe, OpenGL64.exe

VideoGL1 Benchmark measures graphics speed in terms of Frames Per Second (FPS) via eight simple and more complex tests. The first six tests portray moving up and down a tunnel with various independent moving objects. The last two tests, included in the latest version, represent a real application for designing kitchens. The first is in wireframe format, drawn with 23,000 straight lines. The second has colours and textures applied to the surfaces, the textures being obtained from photographs of ceramic tiles. The tests are:

1 - Plain colours tunnel, plain colours 1 egg plus other flyers
2 - Plain colours tunnel, textured egg and other flyers
3 - Plain colours tunnel, plain colours 4 eggs and other flyers
4 - Plain colours tunnel, 4 textured eggs
5 - Textured tunnel walls, 4 textured eggs and other flyers
6 - Textured tunnel all surfaces, 4 textured eggs and other flyers
7 - Wireframe kitchen rotating
8 - Rotating kitchen textured with wall, floor and worktop tiles

VideoGL1 is the last benchmark that has a front end to set monitor pixel size, in full screen mode, and a back end (OneGL1.exe) that can be run separately, using existing monitor settings. There are also later 32 bit and 64 bit compilations. Details and results of many systems are included in opengl results.htm. This highlights early day issues regarding drivers and graphics memory requirements. The benchmarks, along with source codes, are included in

The old results also include some running at different CPU speeds and others with different graphics cards. In those days, the earlier tests tended to have graphics speed limitations, with considerably reduced performance at higher monitor resolution settings, and CPU speed dependency running the most complex tests. Results on the Core i7 indicate more consistent performance at different resolutions but, as indicated, they are for full screen displays.

Some old results are show below to indicate how performance has improved on more modern PCs.

VideoGL1.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics 
                  ........................ Frames Per Second ........................
   Resolution    Single   Single    Multi    Multi     More    More+     Wire    Tiled
                  Plain  Texture    Plain  Texture  Texture  Texture  Kitchen  Kitchen

  640  480 32   1697.73   871.41   953.49   796.91   787.46   751.82   535.80   152.34
  800  600 32   1735.13  1099.36   872.98  1413.94  1356.69   636.32   418.33   156.43
 1024  768 32   1660.71  1383.94  1455.71   890.66   853.84   846.24   405.36   156.12
 1280 1024 32   1514.68  1202.58  1284.18  1147.67  1067.15   775.33   459.80   156.90
 1600 1200 32   1315.21  1054.28  1120.71   986.06   944.22   687.78   546.68   153.63
 3 at 1920 1080 32
 OneGL1.exe     1243.02  1002.31  1050.53   940.31   904.88   680.67   504.74   153.60
 OpenGL32.exe   1171.71   970.00  1022.98   914.40   875.93   649.27   569.64   155.10
 OpenGL64.exe   1253.20  1001.58  1048.83   942.29   902.76   696.81   406.99   139.29
 Pentium 100 MHz Diamond Srealth 
  800  600 32      2.3      1.3      2.3      0.87     0.19     0.12
 Celeron 900 MHz Voodoo 3
 1024  768 32     14.3     12.2     12.6      8.0      3.3      2.6      9.1      2.0

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Direct3D9 Benchmarks - VideoD3D9_64, VideoD3D9_32

VideoD3D9_64 and VideoD3D9_32, 64 and 32 bit varieties, have been produced using DirectX 9 functions, where some of the tests can be regarded as the same as in the original version. The tests are:

1 - Rotating Egg Gouraud shading, as VideoD3D Test 1
2 - Rotating Egg Wireframe, WaitForVerticalBlank
3 - Rotating Egg and 500 Cubes Wireframe, as VideoD3D Test 4
4 - Textured Tunnel and Rotating Objects, as VideoD3D Test 8
5 - Plain/Fancy Colours, 26 Objects, different movements/rotations
6 - As Test 5 but textured
7 - As Test 6 but using Pixel Shader 2.0, added colours each frame
8 - As Test 6 but using Vertex Shader 2.0, added movement and colours

The benchmark clearly does not plumb the depths of DirectX 9 but it follows the design goals of the Benchmark Collection of being small size, providing a range of useful performance measurements. Unlike VideoD3D, the new program only attempts to run using HAL graphics hardware acceleration. It might not run on an old graphics card even though DirectX 9 is installed. It also performs badly on not too old adapters, as shown in the more detailed results in my direct3d report. Tests 7 and 8 are not attempted if Pixel and Vertex Shader 2.0 are not available. The benchmark uses d3dx9_26.dll and this may have to be downloaded. The benchmarks, along with source codes, are included in

The benchmark was initially run on the Core i7 based PC using Windows 8. As in the example below, performance of 32 bit and 64 bit compilations were virtually the same. Now, under Windows 10, performance is much slower and the 64 bit version is faster than the one produced for 32 bit operation. Results from an Atom CPU based tablet are also shown, where some speeds are equivalent to those from the powerful desktop PC. Googling reveals lots of complaints about slow graphics performance under Windows 10.

Unlike the earlier benchmarks, this one in run via commands in a BAT file (or a Command Prompt window), where resolution settings are for real pixel dimensions in a window. This also enables testing of the display spead over more than one monitor. The above direct3d report includes some results at 4880 x 1024 pixels, over three monitors. There were some faster results than in the current situation.

 VideoD3D9_32 Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Windows 10 

               ..................... Frames Per Second ......................
 Resolution    Shaded WireEgg     500 Texture  Colour Texture   Pixel  Vertex
                  Egg   Vsync   Cubes  Tunnel Objects Objects Shader2 Shader2

  640  480 32   802.5    60.0   107.9   589.8   153.7   173.8   169.3   150.3 
  800  600 32   770.9    60.0   109.2   609.4   158.0   175.6   174.4   152.0 
 1024  768 32   799.5    60.0   108.9   614.8   158.8   176.5   175.8   153.8 
 1280 1024 32   828.0    60.0   109.0   606.7   155.3   174.1   174.3   152.7 
 1920 1080 32   843.3    60.0   113.3   617.0   159.5   176.6   175.7   151.8 
 Windows 8
 1920 1080 32  2748.7    60.0   393.6  1121.0  1460.1   994.3  1053.4  1297.6 

 VideoD3D9_64 Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Windows 10 

               ..................... Frames Per Second ......................
 Resolution    Shaded WireEgg     500 Texture  Colour Texture   Pixel  Vertex
                  Egg   Vsync   Cubes  Tunnel Objects Objects Shader2 Shader2

  640  480 32  1319.0    60.0   179.5   900.5   250.1   275.8   266.8   237.3 
  800  600 32  1273.3    60.0   177.9   873.8   241.5   264.4   262.2   234.8 
 1024  768 32  1315.4    60.0   179.3   900.3   243.1   268.2   266.4   238.2 
 1280 1024 32  1273.8    60.0   178.1   876.1   241.0   264.5   262.7   233.8 
 1920 1080 32  1242.7    60.0   176.9   855.9   246.8   275.8   274.7   243.9 
 Windows 8
 1920 1080 32  2756.7    60.0   393.5  1121.1  1443.4  1005.0  1002.2  1332.0 

 Tablet Atom Z8300 Intel HD Graphics, Windows 10
 1024  768 32   258.1    60.0    25.8   152.1   175.6   127.0   123.9   151.7 

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BMPSpeed Benchmarks - BMPSpd.exe, BMPSpeed32.exe, BMPSpeed64.exe

BMPSpeed Benchmark generates BMP files up to 512 MB. It measures speed of saving, loading, scrolling, rotating and editing of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 etc. MB files upwards. The tests carried out are:

1 - Enlarge with blur editing (copy with add/divide instructions) and display.
2 - Save enlargement to disk.
3 - Load from disk, format and display.
4 - Copy from memory scrolling.
5 - Make an extra copy rotating 90 degrees and display.

For further details and results see bmpspeed results.htm and 64 bit graphics tests.htm. These cover all sorts of issues encountered, mainly with main and graphics memory allocation, and whether fast BitBlt copying is used or pixel moving functions. The simple explanation is that, firstly, file sizes used by the software are 32 bits, compared with 24 for BMP files, 512 MB images requiring 682 MB. Secondly, twice this space is required for copying in the rotation test. Then there are other overheads and space for the previous image. There is a buffer in main memory, where allocated space has to be sequential, but might not be with all the chopping and changing, leading to exceptionally slow performance due to disk based paging activities. The benchmarks, along with source codes, are included in

Below are results on the Core i7 based PC, via Windows 10, where disk drive speeds are clearly greater than 100 MB/second for larger files. Speeds via the newer 32 bit and 64 bit compilations are quite similar, with the latter slightly faster. The original benchmark appears to be slightly slower, using the larger images. See the next page for further comment.

   BMPSpd.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Windows 10 

   Input Enlarge    Save    Load  Scroll  Scroll  Rotate     Use
   Image Display         Display /Repeat Overall  90 deg    Fast
  Mbytes    Secs    Secs    Secs   msecs  MB/Sec    Secs  BitBlt

     0.5    0.04    0.02    0.02     0.2  3507.8    0.04      3
     1.0    0.08    0.01    0.02     0.3  3819.4    0.04      3
     2.0    0.09    0.01    0.05     0.7  4029.7    0.06      3
     4.0    0.11    0.05    0.05     1.2  4060.6    0.09      3
     8.0    0.14    0.10    0.13     1.6  4251.9    0.13      3
    16.0    0.19    0.14    0.21     1.9  4112.6    0.21      3
    32.0    0.28    0.35    0.35     2.0  4031.4    0.37      3
    64.0    0.38    0.55    0.68     2.0  4053.6    0.63      3
   128.0    0.62    1.08    1.33     1.9  4130.1    1.15      3
   256.0    1.03    2.22    2.39     1.9  4189.8    2.11      3
   512.0    1.32    4.39    4.85     1.9  4141.0    3.38      1

   BMPSpeed32.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Windows 10 

   Input Enlarge    Save    Load  Scroll  Scroll  Rotate     Use
   Image Display         Display /Repeat Overall  90 deg    Fast
  Mbytes    Secs    Secs    Secs   msecs  MB/Sec    Secs  BitBlt

     0.5    0.04    0.01    0.02     0.2  3550.9    0.03      3
     1.0    0.08    0.01    0.02     0.4  3787.0    0.04      3
     2.0    0.09    0.01    0.03     0.7  3757.4    0.05      3
     4.0    0.10    0.06    0.05     1.1  4227.3    0.08      3
     8.0    0.13    0.09    0.13     1.7  4099.2    0.11      3
    16.0    0.16    0.15    0.20     2.0  4028.0    0.17      3
    32.0    0.23    0.28    0.39     1.9  4140.7    0.28      3
    64.0    0.35    0.58    0.74     2.0  4053.5    0.48      3
   128.0    0.55    1.07    1.17     1.9  4198.5    0.85      3
   256.0    0.90    2.28    2.52     2.0  4069.0    1.65      3
   512.0    1.60    4.38    4.96     2.0  4067.9    2.92      3

 BMPSpeed64.exe Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Older Windows 10 

   Input Enlarge    Save    Load  Scroll  Scroll  Rotate     Use
   Image Display         Display /Repeat Overall  90 deg    Fast
  Mbytes    Secs    Secs    Secs   msecs  MB/Sec    Secs  BitBlt

     0.5    0.05    0.01    0.04     0.2  3648.3    0.03      3
     1.0    0.07    0.01    0.02     0.4  3787.2    0.04      3
     2.0    0.08    0.01    0.02     0.8  3523.5    0.05      3
     4.0    0.10    0.04    0.05     1.1  4165.9    0.07      3
     8.0    0.14    0.08    0.13     1.7  4073.3    0.10      3
    16.0    0.15    0.15    0.24     1.9  4131.0    0.15      3
    32.0    0.20    0.26    0.39     1.9  4155.2    0.26      3
    64.0    0.31    0.58    0.68     2.0  3991.1    0.44      3
   128.0    0.49    1.06    1.36     2.0  3971.3    0.83      3
   256.0    0.76    2.10    2.50     1.9  4098.1    1.61      3
   512.0    1.30    4.30    4.84     1.9  4101.7    2.91      3

See Comparisons in next page

BMPSpeed Comparisons and Memory Use

Below are comparisons, including Windows 10 versus Windows 8 and reported memory use, recorded in the benchmark log files .

The Window 10 last BMPSpd test was indicated as not using fast BitBlt copying, but some tests were faster than expected, compared with 256 MB results, but reported memory size was lower.

Window 8 performance is shown to be slightly faster than that via Windows 10. Memory statistics indicate significant occupancy of the paging file and apparent memory use (larger percentage of significantly more megabytes).

Perhaps someone might be able to interpret these details.

   Input Enlarge    Save    Load  Scroll  Scroll  Rotate     Use
   Image Display         Display /Repeat Overall  90 deg    Fast
  Mbytes    Secs    Secs    Secs   msecs  MB/Sec    Secs  BitBlt
   BMPSpd Windows 10
   256.0    1.03    2.22    2.39     1.9  4189.8    2.11      3
   512.0    1.32    4.39    4.85     1.9  4141.0    3.38      1

   BMPSpd Windows 8
   256.0    0.87    2.22    2.26     1.4  5861.2    1.96      3
   512.0    1.57    4.11    4.52     1.4  5853.2    3.64      3

   BMPSpeed64 Windows 10
   256.0    0.76    2.10    2.50     1.9  4098.1    1.61      3
   512.0    1.30    4.30    4.84     1.9  4101.7    2.91      3

   BMPSpeed64 Windows 8
   256.0    0.64    2.08    2.31     1.3  5904.1    1.48      3
   512.0    1.12    4.45    4.62     1.4  5892.0    2.65      3

                      Memory Status Maximum Use 
                             BMPSpd     Win8   32 Bit    64 Bit
  Mbytes of physical memory    2047     4095    32704     32704
  Percent of memory in use       11       11       14        14
  Free physical memory Mbytes  2047     4095    28061     28109
  Mbytes of paging file        4095     4095    37568     37568
  Free Mbytes of paging file   4095     4095    32949     33012
  User Mbytes of virtual space 2047     2047     4095 134217727
  Free user virtual Mbytes      905      930     2954 134216578

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JavaDraw Benchmark - javaDrawPC.class

This all Java benchmark uses small to rather excessive simple objects to measure Frames Per Second (FPS) drawing performance,. The test functions are:

1 - Load two PNG files, one bitmap moving left/right for each frame, the other rotating.
2 - Repeat test 1, avoiding startup overheads.
3 - Add 2 SweepGradient multi-coloured circles, from a file, moving side to centre and back.
4 - Add 200 random drawn small circles in the middle of the screen.
5 - Add 80 lines drawn from the centre of each side to the opposite side, with changing colours.
6 - Add 4000 random drawn small circles, filling the screen.

These benchmarks, including source codes, are available in, to run via Windows or Linux. Details and results can be found in JavaDraw.htm, with further information in general ResearchGate reports on Raspberry Pi and Android benchmarks.

The first version of this benchmark did not repeat test 1 and that produced some slow speeds. The next version produced unacceptable slow performance on a Core i7 based PC, running Windows 8. This was affected by the Javax Swing timer apparently misbehaving. The latest version uses Abstract Window Toolkit {AWT) functions, that seem to behave properly. However, some significant differences were produced using alternative Java packages. Details of these complications are included in JavaDraw.htm. This includes some results from using javac 1.6, 1.8 and 1.8, running under JRE 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8. The results below are from running the supplied javaDrawPC program on the same PC, via Windows and Linux, and showing some significant performance variations.

Online Versions - are included in These can be used from a remote Internet site, or from a local disk, via supplied HTML files that load the application Applet. Installation of an appropriate Java Run Time Environment is required, where access permissions can be set. See JavaDraw.htm.


    Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Windows 10 

   Java Drawing Benchmark, Nov 16 2017, 12:01:29
            Produced by javac 1.6.0_27

  Test                              Frames      FPS

  Display PNG Bitmap Twice Pass 1     8434   842.14
  Display PNG Bitmap Twice Pass 2     9145   914.41
  Plus 2 SweepGradient Circles        9076   906.69
  Plus 200 Random Small Circles       5101   509.59
  Plus 320 Long Lines                 5030   502.75
  Plus 4000 Random Small Circles       543    54.21

         Total Elapsed Time  60.1 seconds

  Operating System    Windows 10, Arch. x86, Version 10.0
  Java Vendor         Oracle Corporation, Version  1.8.0_144
  Intel64 Family 6 Model 62 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel, 8 CPUs


 Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Linux Ubuntu 14.04 

   Java Drawing Benchmark, Nov 17 2017, 11:31:48
            Produced by javac 1.6.0_27

  Test                              Frames      FPS

  Display PNG Bitmap Twice Pass 1    11734  1173.28
  Display PNG Bitmap Twice Pass 2    18368  1836.62
  Plus 2 SweepGradient Circles       13152  1315.07
  Plus 200 Random Small Circles       8040   803.92
  Plus 320 Long Lines                 3230   322.94
  Plus 4000 Random Small Circles       678    67.77

         Total Elapsed Time  60.0 seconds

  Operating System    Linux, Arch. amd64, Version 3.13.0-43-generic
  Java Vendor         Oracle Corporation, Version  1.8.0_111
  null, null CPUs

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Linux OpenGL Benchmarks - videogl32, videogl64

This benchmark uses the same basic OpenGL source code as
the Windows OpenGL Benchmarks with description and results provided in linux opengl benchmarks.htm. Videogl32 and videogl64 are 32-Bit and 64-Bit Linux compilations that can be found in linux-graphics-benchmarks.tar.gz, along with source code, BMP files, compilation and running instructions. The benchmarks measure graphics speed in terms of Frames Per Second (FPS) via six simple and more complex tests. The first four tests portray moving up and down a tunnel including various independently moving objects, with and without texturing. The last two tests, represent a real application for designing kitchens. The first is in wireframe format, drawn with 23,000 straight lines. The second has colours and textures applied to the surfaces. The tests are:

1 - Plain colours tunnel, plain colours 1 egg plus other flyers
2 - Plain colours tunnel, plain colours 4 eggs and other flyers
3 - Textured tunnel walls, textured egg and other flyers
4 - Textured tunnel all surfaces, 4 textured eggs and other flyers
5 - Wireframe kitchen rotating
6 - Rotating kitchen textured with wall, floor and worktop tiles

A difference from the Windows version textured kitchen, is the the outside scene can be seen thorough the windows. Another is that run time parameters can be set to execute the programs in different window sizes, using a script file to produce a tabular results log file.

Below are results from running the benchmarks on the Core i7 based PC. The 64 bit results were produced via the main 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 Operating System, demonstrating faster performance than the Windows versions. Using 64 bit Linux, there are complication in installing 32 bit libraries and attempts were abandoned on this PC. The PC was booted with 32 bit Ubuntu 14.04 from a USB flash drive, to produce the 32 bit results shown below. This identified another complication, that is the difficulties in turning off vsync, which normally reduces FPS to 60 or less, as with this case. The 32 bit Ubuntu system did not have a GeForce driver installed, leading to the poor measured performance (but, at least the benchmark ran).

Note, approval was given to Canonical to include this benchmark in the testing framework for the Unity desktop.

        Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Linux Ubuntu 14.04 

 Linux OpenGL Benchmark 64 Bit Version 1, Sat Nov 18 17:05:00 2017

 Window Size  Coloured Objects  Textured Objects  WireFrm  Texture
    Pixels        Few      All      Few      All  Kitchen  Kitchen
  Wide  High      FPS      FPS      FPS      FPS      FPS      FPS

   320   240   9851.3   5804.6   1978.9   1174.8    687.3    387.2
   640   480   6555.2   5617.1   2231.1   1248.4    720.1    372.4
  1024   768   3242.6   3058.5   1917.7   1250.9    721.4    368.0
  1280  1024   2230.4   2109.1   1491.4   1172.4    762.0    363.4
  1600  1200   1797.3   1753.1   1313.8   1065.0    769.7    363.4
  1920  1080   1593.3   1534.1   1217.9    990.6    781.7    371.8


   Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, 32 Bit Linux Ubuntu 14.04 

 Linux OpenGL Benchmark 32 Bit Version 1, Sun Nov 19 17:32:54 2017

 Window Size  Coloured Objects  Textured Objects  WireFrm  Texture
    Pixels        Few      All      Few      All  Kitchen  Kitchen
  Wide  High      FPS      FPS      FPS      FPS      FPS      FPS

   320   240     64.0     52.0     38.7     33.8     32.4     31.4
   640   480     65.8     50.3     39.3     33.6     33.2     31.2
  1024   768     64.2     50.3     36.6     33.7     33.4     31.2
  1920  1080     60.6     45.0     32.4     30.6     30.0     29.6


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Linux - SDL_bmpspd32, SDL_bmpspd64

SDL_bmpspd32 and SDL_bmpspd64 benchmarks execute the same test functions as
Windows BMPSpeed Benchmarks. They are 32 bit and 64 bit varieties compiled to run under Linux using Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) functions. The benchmarks generate BMP files and measure speed of saving, loading, scrolling, rotating and editing of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 etc. to 512 MB images. Details and results are included in linux image processing benchmarks.htm. The benchmarks and source code can be downloaded in linux-graphics-benchmarks.tar.gz. The tests run are as follows:

1 - Enlarge with blur editing (copy with add/divide instructions) and display.
2 - Save enlargement to disk.
3 - Load from disk, format and display.
4 - Copy from memory scrolling.
5 - Make an extra copy rotating 90 degrees and display.

The PC used for the 64 bit benchmark demonstrated reading and writing speeds of more than 100 MB/second, using a disk drive. Of the other tests, some were faster and some slower than the Windows benchmark. As shown in the results below, this version also includes details of memory used in each test.

Again, 32 bit Ubuntu, with a basic graphics driver, was used for the 32 bit benchmark, loaded via a USB flash drive, resulting in the slow reading and writing speeds.

        Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, Linux Ubuntu 14.04 

   Image Editing Speeds 64 Bit Version 1, Sat Nov 18 17:17:30 2017

   Input Enlarge    Save    Load  Scroll  Scroll  Rotate  Max MB
   Image Display         Display  Repeat Overall  90 deg  Memory
  Mbytes    Secs    Secs    Secs   msecs  MB/Sec    Secs    Used

     0.5    0.01    0.28    0.01    0.57  880.87    0.00   926.5
     1.0    0.01    0.10    0.01    0.98 1014.83    0.01   928.0
     2.0    0.01    0.01    0.02    1.71 1225.72    0.02   931.4
     4.0    0.02    0.03    0.03    3.69 1012.45    0.03   938.2
     8.0    0.03    0.05    0.19    4.81 1099.48    0.02   951.1
    16.0    0.05    0.10    0.27    5.89 1055.81    0.06   975.9
    32.0    0.06    0.36    0.38    5.84 1065.57    0.06  1026.9
    64.0    0.11    0.53    0.76    5.90 1054.69    0.13  1158.6
   128.0    0.20    1.13    1.15    5.98 1040.95    0.23  1272.6
   256.0    0.37    2.30    2.51    5.65 1101.36    0.60  1615.9
   512.0    0.73    4.63    4.71    5.97 1041.72    0.82  2316.5


   Core i7 4820K GTX 650 graphics, 32 Bit Linux Ubuntu 14.04 

   Image Editing Speeds 32 Bit Version 1, Sun Nov 19 16:21:49 2017

   Input Enlarge    Save    Load  Scroll  Scroll  Rotate  Max MB
   Image Display         Display  Repeat Overall  90 deg  Memory
  Mbytes    Secs    Secs    Secs   msecs  MB/Sec    Secs    Used

     0.5    0.01    0.12    0.08    1.76  284.03    0.02   443.3
     1.0    0.03    0.84    0.18    3.54  282.39    0.01   447.5
     2.0    0.02    0.88    1.57    5.96  352.15    0.03   451.5
     4.0    0.03    2.18    1.22    9.28  402.08    0.02   439.2
     8.0    0.03    1.98    3.21   12.67  417.31    0.05   461.3
    16.0    0.05    2.38    2.03   14.27  435.91    0.07   485.6
    32.0    0.07    3.54    2.52   16.29  381.83    0.09   523.6
    64.0    0.10    7.72    2.28   15.81  393.39    0.14   614.6
   128.0    0.19   11.78    4.53   16.56  375.59    0.25   791.1
   256.0    0.34   24.84   10.33   17.74  350.60    0.56  1140.7
   512.0    0.65   54.50   18.58   17.80  349.44    0.96  1843.4

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